Summary Judgment 2016.11.19
November 19, 2016Summary judgment is transmitted LIVE for 2hrs. on between 2 and 4:00 PM from the American News Media Center in Harwinton, CT.
With the understanding that J.C Playford launched this YouTube site to expose the issues he faces while gathering breaking news video and information in San Diego County, we will be moving.
American News will slowly begin to migrate The Morning Report and Summary Judgment programs away from newsnowsandiego over the next several months, and transmit both on The Summary Judgment Talk Show site. Please join us and participate by calling the show at 860-249-1776.
Summary Judgment is transmitted LIVE for 2hrs on Saturdays between 2 and 4 PM, and includes discussions by and between Attorney Rachel M. Baird, Retired State Police Lt. Col. Matt Tyszka and Ed Peruta on a variety of topics. Viewers are encouraged to participate in the programs discussions by calling 860-249-1776.